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A Bump in the Road: The Canadian Postal Strike

Updated: Jan 13

As a small family-run business, every new product launch is a labour of love for us. It's not just about bringing something new to the market; it's about sharing a piece of what makes us special with you—our loyal customers. That's why we’re writing to you today, not just to share our disappointment, but also to let you know that brighter days are ahead.

Last November, we were thrilled to announce the launch of our newest products: My Friendship Book and Share This Book. They were products we’d been perfecting for the better part of a year—countless hours of brainstorming, testing, tweaking, and dreaming big. We couldn’t wait for you to try it. But, as some of you may already know, the timing of our launch coincided with an unexpected challenge: a nationwide postal strike.

We had poured so much energy into ensuring a smooth launch. Everything was ready to go, but as the postal strike unfolded, it became clear that getting our products into your hands would be nearly impossible during this period - and this fact greatly impacted our projected orders.

The strike affected shipping timelines across the country, with delays stretching far longer than we could have anticipated. For a small business like ours, where every package is prepared with care, the idea of orders sitting in limbo for weeks was heart-wrenching.

While the timing of this setback was disappointing, it hasn’t dampened our enthusiasm for these products! Let’s make 2025 the year of fresh beginnings, for all of us.

With gratitude,

The Mountain West Family



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